We as a consultants have experience in using art in our development projects. We are amazed how well it has been perceived by people and what they all have found out about themselves. During art exercises everyone is free to share as much or as little as s/he wants.
The result is not meant to be fine art, the process of art is what counts. It is so nice to see people enjoying this. While participants dip their fingers in colour or clap hands, they connect to the right side of their brains and use their body and their emotions. And something different than usual may arise.
One participant stated: “In order to make wiser choices as a manager or as an expert I need to be aware of what leads me and how I feel.” In hectic everyday life it is not so easy to stop and reflect. Making art can give loads of energy and can act as an empowering reminder in stressful situations. “When diving into the world of arts, I even surprised myself!” said a participant right after a workshop. We have also noticed that in groups people are perceived through different eyes when making art.
Even though we believe that making art is healing in itself, it is beneficial as well and that corresponds to current scientific research.