ICG, along with two other European partners, was chosen as the provider of leadership and management development programs for EU institutions. We started in 2015, and for the next three years, this means no fewer than thirtyseven clients in all EU member states.
Our success was even sweeter when we found out that the winning concept was considered far superior in comparison with the other thirteen international competitors.
The contract includes the design, delivery and quality assurance of management development courses offered in the three clusters »Managing myself,« »Managing my team« and »Managing my environment« by the European School of Administration. Besides these, we provide bespoke programs for EU institutions based on their needs, including working out a management competency framework, talent program, tailormade management development process, team development and individual coaching.
Based on this success, we also submitted a tender for the European Commission’s Organization Development together with another European partner, and won in this case, as well.
Tackle challenges
The European Commission is facing the challenge of making fresh starts, addressing difficult geo-political situations, strengthening economic recovery and building a Europe that delivers jobs and growth for its citizens. To support these processes, a wide range of organization development and change management programs is offered, including workshops, capacity development, management consultation and team coaching. In both projects, coordinated by Katri Auvinen and István Kosztolányi, we propose a model in which the development needs are defined, taking into account the needs of the individual and the team, the working environment and the organization at large. The context of daily managerial and organizational situations is the obvious starting point.